Duration 5900

ハナミズキ (feat. 一青窈) MV out now kedy

by kedy
1 334 watched
Published 29 Sep 2023

💿kedy 8th Single "ハナミズキ" out now💿 👉https://linkco.re/bGqSnRFt 🌙Subscribe 2my Channel👉/channel/UCtT5PQUejwW-KmtDfjEnChQ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 🎤歌詞📄 〈INTRO〉 (空を押し上げて 水際まで来てほしい) 〈VERSE〉 まだ行けない水際 晴れと雨の日付は 雲がかかり消えた夏 朝になれば超えれた 死んだ夢を見ていた 死んだ君が見ていた 死んでいつか骨になる 死んだ時は気づきたいな ダイヤばっか指に着けて人と比べ区別してた あの頃から変わらないよ あの子がまた真似をしてる 今日も忘れもんを見つけ 日記書いて眠れない どうせ今日も眠れない 紙に書いて忘れたいな 吐いた言葉ため息の数は5 息抜きが大事なのに 未だ争う近況 昨日と今日までリモートで苦悩 フローを携え未踏の明日を 生きるReady Arlight? あなたに問題 生きる意味何だい? 俺は無理難題 夢見る大台 いつかは到来 あなたにあげたい音にした願い やりたいことやって辛いからさ やりたくないこともやってあげる 話したいなら水際飛んできて 語りたいならいつでも降りてきてよね 誰もいなくなった駐車場で 1人歌詞を書く 羽伸ばす 秋になれば変わるれるって思って さらに増やすタスク 段々分かることで体感ふわり揺れる 何回ここへ来ても毎回落ち着くんだな 〈HOOK〉 俺と好きな人が100年後もずっと続くように 果てない夢いつか区切り 終わらせてしまったなんて そんなことはくだらない 俺は夢を見ていたいし いつか君と歌いたいし 俺は歌をやめれない 叶えたい未来ばかり欲張りだし甘くないし この未来どう動くかなんてそれは俺次第で 戻りたいなんて野暮なことは 二度と口にせずに走りたい 過去と今と未来置いて時をかけてたい Rock Punk Metal 知った頃の俺はもういない 5年ぶりのギターなんて指が上手く動かない Hiphop Trap Drill そして今はビートメイク 一青窈リメイク これがいつか糧になると信じ すぐにミックス プラグインをぶっ刺す またも青くなった部屋で 朝か夜かなんて分からないが 音を組み立てる 808ぶち鳴らす 1と6と5のビート 走る速度俺のテリトリー 〈CHORUS〉 (僕の我慢が いつか実を結び) たどり着いた水際 雨は上がり虹架かる 鼻歌でも歌いながら笑い飛ばすこれから なんてことが浮かんだ 影が1つ消えてた 君は俺に伝えた 君のことを忘れない  ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ☁️SoundCloud👉https://on.soundcloud.com/qfX8N ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 🎤Lyrics📄 〈INTRO〉 (I want you to push up the sky and come to the water's edge) 〈VERSE〉 Still can't go to the water's edge Dates of sunshine and rain The summer that disappeared with the clouds overhead The morning that would pass over I dreamed I was dead I saw you dead I'll be dead and someday I'll be bones I wish I'd know when I'm dead I wore many diamonds on my finger to compare and distinguish myself from others I haven't changed since then She's copying me again Today I found something I forgot, and I'm writing in my diary, but I can't sleep I can't sleep today either. I wish I could write it down and forget it The number of words and sighs I've uttered is five I'm still fighting over the status report even though it's important to take a breather Yesterday and today I suffered remotely with the flow, tomorrow is unexplored Are you ready to live? I have a question for you What is the meaning of life? I'm the impossible task I dream of the big one Someday it will come I want to give you a wish I've made into a sound It's hard to do what you want to do I'll do for you what you don't want to do If you want to talk come on down to the water's edge If you want to talk you can always come down from heaven In an empty parking lot Writing lyrics alone, stretching my wings Thinking I'll change in the fall I'll add more tasks by myself Little by little, the sensations in my body sway softly as I learn more and more I trip on marijuana every time and it calms me down every time 〈HOOK〉 I broke off an endless dream so that one day my loved ones and I could last for the next 100 years I'm not kidding about that I want to keep dreaming I wanna sing with you someday And I can't stop singing I have all these futures I want to achieve and I'm greedy, but the world is not that sweet It's up to me to decide how this future will work out I don't want to go back to that day I want to run without ever talking about it again I just want to run through time without thinking about the past, the present and the future I'm not the same person I was when I first discovered Rock Punk Metal I haven't played guitar in 5 years my fingers don't work so well anymore Hiphop Trap Drill and now beat making Remaking Yo Hitoto I believe this will be my food for thought someday Quickly mix the song and stick the plug-ins in In my studio, which has turned blue again I don't know if it's morning or night I'm building sounds, blasting 808s The beat at 165 BPM is my running speed It's my territory 〈CHORUS〉 (My patience will bear fruit someday) We've reached the water's edge The rain is over and the rainbow is over I'll be humming and laughing from now on Just when I thought of that one of your shadows was gone You told me I'll never forget you ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 🎤Beat Timeline🎤 0:00 INTRO 0:11 VERSE 1:21 HOOK 2:08 CHORUS 2:31 HOOK 3:17 OUTRO ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 🌙Follow kedy👀🎧Streaming👇👇👇 https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artists/kedy SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/xxkedy Instagram https://www.instagram.com/xxkedy X (Twitter) https://twitter.com/xxxkedy TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ xxxkedy Music-FM🔸https://music-fm.com Mail💌 xxkedy611@gmail.com Prod. R1vaA /@ xxR1vaA Beat by Ichirokugo165 /@ Ichirokugo165 🎹依頼👉https://coconala.com/services/3077941 Mix & Master by kedy 🎙依頼👉https://coconala.com/services/3077138 Artwork by kedy /channel/UCtT5PQUejwW-KmtDfjEnChQ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 🌙Tags🌙 Hiphop, Trap, Drill, Rock, Pop, J-HIPHOP #kedy #jhiphop #日本語ラップ #ヒップホップ #hiphop #hiphopjapan #槇原ドリル #ichirokugo165 #riva #r1vaa #音源 #サンクラ #エモラップ #tunecorejapan #一青窈 #dogwood #ichirokugo165 #ichirokugo #BPM165 #remix #remake #sampling #サンプリング #shorts #ハナミズキ


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