Duration 41:54

Spring Boot OAuth2 Login with GitHub Example

6 514 watched
Published 30 Sep 2020

Learn to implement Single Sign On for an existing Spring Boot web application - Login with GitHub - update the login function to allow the users to log in to the application using their own GitHub accounts, without the need to register/signup for a new account in the website - Using Spring Boot OAuth2 Client library. I will also show you how to implement the logics that are executed upon successful OAuth2 authentication, to Register new user or Update existing user in the application's database. Key Technologies: - Spring Boot Web - Spring Data JPA - Spring Security - Spring OAuth2 Client - Thymeleaf - Bootstrap & jQuery - MySQL database Software programs: - Java Development Kit (JDK) - Spring Tool Suite IDE (STS) - MySQL server & MySQL Workbench For the code snippets, kindly read the written article at https://www.codejava.net/frameworks/spring-boot/oauth2-login-with-github-example


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